The Parish Pastoral Council serves as the consultative body for the Parish and provides counsel to the rector and lay administration; helps to envision, establish, plan, and monitor the mission and activities of the Parish.
Members of the Council include the Rector, Deacon, Staff Representative and 13 Parishioners.
Building and Grounds is responsible for the smooth operation of all parish facilities which include the care and upkeep of the parish buildings and grounds. The Property and Grounds ministry oversees and coordinate the management and maintenance of all parish properties. The committee meets monthly to address various strategies in regard to the physical status of the church.
Please contact us to join the Building and grounds committee, to help maintain the parish.
Hobart Boyd - Chair
Todd Washington
Ron Brinkley
Sam Cook
JC Gardner
Robert Pretlow
Thomas Drummond
* Contact Chair Hobart Boyd
Maintenance Coordinator -Todd Washington - [email protected] - 757 622 4487
The Pastoral Council serves as the consultative body for the Parish and provides counsel to the rector and lay administration; to help to envision, establish, plan, and monitor the mission and activities of the Parish. Members of the Council include the Rector, Deacon, Pastoral Associate and nine persons elected by the Parish.
The Parish Pastoral Council meets the second Tuesday and if you have any questions comments or concerns please send an email to [email protected]
Wendy Fatal, Chair
Patrick Kelley, Co Chair
Tony Spratley, Secretary
Cerice White
Jackie Scott
Sam Cook
Stephanie Smith
Ebyn Brinkley
Kiera Branch
Denise Davis
Ashley Dixon
Jerome Ferrette
Contact - Secretary Tony Spratley - [email protected]
Pastoral Plan Governing Committee (PPGC)
The role of the PPGC is to provide a forum to set strategic direction and resolve conflicting views on issues of importance within the church. They review and access all risks associated with projects and provide timely resolutions, direct and responses prior to sign off and execution.
Earl Farley - Chair
Deborah Lamb - Secretary
Arcino Quiero, Jr. - Finance Council Chair
Oretha Pretlow-Pastoral Associate
Robert Pretlow
Will McCadden
Luther Adams
Todd Washington
Nicole Drummond
Contact - Secretary- [email protected]
The Financial Council meets monthly to review collections, expenses, income and the budget of the Parish. Once a year, Council members review the investments of the Parish.
Members are appointed by the Rector:
Mr. Arcino Quiero, Jr-Chair
Mr. Eric Labat
Mrs. Rosa Owens
Mr. John Butler
* Contact Chair - Arcino Quiero - [email protected]
Business Manager-Todd D, Washington - [email protected] - 757 622-4487