Evangelization: Small Faith Sharing Groups
Evangelization through "Small Faith Sharing Groups" brings people to a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. We want to place every parishioner, who desires to participate, in a small faith sharing group to follow the command given by Jesus Christ, Himself, that is referred to as the "Great Commission'' Mark 16:15. Each individual group discusses the upcoming Sunday's Readings, Scriptures, and Meditations. Individual groups consist of up to 10 people that meet via Zoom or Phone. Quarterly meetings include every member via Zoom or in person.
Join the SFSG and "Say YES to Christ!" Contact Co-Chair Andrea Echols at 301-613-6609 or [email protected].
Your journey begins anytime you are ready! Our team accompanies people at every place
on their faith journey, including those who are inquiring about the Catholic faith and those who already know they want to join the Catholic Church. We also help those who have been away from the Church return at a comfortable pace.
Do you have questions or want to begin the journey? For more information and to set up
an initial inquiry conversation, please contact:
Randy and Colleen Kersey
[email protected]
What is the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults?
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is the journey unbaptized adults travel to
become Catholic and fully initiated into the Church. It is more than just learning the history,
rules and regulations. It's about building a relationship with God and the worshiping
community. To learn more about the OCIA, visit the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops website at https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/who-we-teach/christian-
Baptized Catholic adults seeking to be confirmed follow a path customized as much as
possible to their unique needs and previous faith journey. It's likely that the length and pace of
your faith journey may differ from others. The Sacrament is celebrated when both the
individual and the parish are ready. Prayerful discernment is always a part of each person’s
Children ages 4 or younger are usually baptized without formal preparation. Parents are
expected to attend a preparation class before an infant or young child is baptized.
Children ages 5-6 may be baptized following a short period of informal catechesis.
Children ages 7 or older are expected to participate in a period of formal catechesis before
being baptized or making a profession of faith. This preparation includes weekly Mass
attendance, parent and family formation, as well as regular participation in the parish faith
formation program (or attendance at a Catholic school) for at least one year. Parents are also
expected to attend a Baptism preparation class and appropriate adult formation sessions
before their child is baptized.